How Can Student Counselling Services Help You?

Dec 31, 2020Counselling

Student life can be challenging for a variety of reasons. There is the struggle of adjusting to a new lifestyle or being away from family. There is also the difficulty of keeping up with academic requirements and balancing school and work.

Just like other people, there will be days or months when you would be able to single-handedly conquer these stressful situations. But there will also be times when you would need help, particularly when the challenges take a toll on your mental well-being. When you reach this point, please know that professional help is available.

There are counsellors who are equipped to help you deal with the challenges of student life. What support can they give you? Read on to find out how professional counsellors in Ireland can help you succeed as a student.

Student Counselling to Overcome Stress

Students today report that they are more stressed out than ever. Unfortunately, studies show that constant exposure to a high level of stress often leads to poor academic performance. It also increases the likelihood of students failing to complete the term or dropping out of school.

In one study, 60% of students claimed that they end up not finishing their work during stressful situations.

But stress won’t just prevent you from succeeding in school. It can also be detrimental to your physical and mental health with students reporting that they experience headaches and anxiety.

Furthermore, it can hurt your social life. Around 50% of students say that they do not hang out with friends when they feel so stressed out.

Suffice to say, stress can hinder your academic success and affect your quality of life. While it is something you cannot eliminate from your life, you can learn how to manage it.

There are counsellors who specialise in stress management counselling. These professionals can teach you coping techniques to prevent stress from taking its toll on you.

Student Counselling to Clarify Goals

In life, a lot of things can happen simultaneously and sometimes, these can throw you off track. For example, you can get too invested in your extra-curricular activities that you end up failing your subjects. Similarly, work can get too demanding that you are unable to have enough time to fulfil academic requirements.

You can turn to a counsellor when everything seems important that you begin losing sight as to what matters. She can help you clear your mind and guide you in determining what your priorities are.

With the help of a professional, you can gain clarity and set your goals. More importantly, you can map the steps you need to take to achieve your dreams whether it is to graduate with honours or finish your degree on time.

Student Counselling to Get Support

A counsellor is a person you can talk to without worrying about getting judged. You can tell her anything – be it the harassment or abuse you’ve experienced or you’re still going through as well as the thoughts you may have about hurting yourself.

Whatever you are dealing with, you can trust this professional to hear you out. She will be listening to you without prejudice and provide the support you need to heal from your trauma or rise above the crisis.

In addition, you can trust a reputable counsellor to keep things confidential. Everything you tell her will be just between the both of you.

Simply put, your counsellor provides a safe space for you to talk about what you think and feel. On top of listening to you, she is going to guide you in making the best decisions for yourself.

In summary, getting student counselling can benefit you in a lot of ways. It can help you properly and successfully navigate student life. It can pave the way for realisations that can make you an accomplished and better person.

Are you looking for low-cost student counselling services in Ireland? We have qualified counsellors who are experienced in counselling students of all ages. Call us now on 015240708 and we’ll help you find the right counsellor for you!

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