Is Grief Counselling Right for You?

Dec 31, 2021Counselling

Sadness is what most people associate with grief. But the truth is that you don’t just contend with feelings of sadness when you lose a loved one. You may also feel angry, guilty, regretful or hopeless.

Simply put, grief is a painful experience that brings about a host of difficult emotions. Navigating the bereavement process can be challenging with all the complex feelings and thoughts involved.

Fortunately, help – in the form of grief counselling – is readily available these days for people like you who are having a tough time dealing with the death of a loved one.

Signs that You Need to Get Grief Counselling

Talking to someone, particularly a stranger, about what you are going through can be uncomfortable. It can also be terrifying if you don’t know what to expect or how things will go. You may even feel embarrassed about getting bereavement counselling because of this notion that it is a sign of weakness.

It is perfectly understandable why you may be sceptical about seeing a grief counsellor. But you have to realise that getting counselling is sometimes necessary to better cope with the loss of a loved one.

Here are some of the signs that you should see a bereavement counsellor:

You Are Unable to Move On

It does take time to come to terms with the loss of a loved one. Moreover, the duration of the grieving period varies per person. Some people may require just a few months to get “back to normal” while others may take longer.

While it is okay to grieve in your own time, please know that you have to learn to live with your new reality and move on.

If you have been grieving for over a year and still feel stuck or hopeless, you should consider seeing a bereavement counsellor. Talking to a professional can help you accept your new reality and look forward to tomorrow instead of dwelling on what was.

Grief Interferes with Day-to-Day Affairs

You will not immediately be back to normal, doing your typical routine or functioning like usual, when you lose someone. People around you know this, and many of them will understand. But this won’t go on forever. You have to be yourself again and perform your duties at some point.

Remember, there are people who also rely on you. At work, for example, they need you to accomplish your tasks and perform well to meet the team or company goals.

If your grief prevents you from doing your responsibilities and interferes with your daily functioning, it is wise to speak to a counsellor before things get out of hand.

You Have Depression

Grief is often associated with depression as they share similar symptoms such as sadness, social withdrawal and despair. Despite the similarities, these two are different.

For one, grief or bereavement is not considered a disorder. Moreover, grief takes place following a loss. Meanwhile, depressive episodes can happen at any time.

One important thing you should know is that grief can trigger depression or exacerbate it. It is also highly likely for the grieving process to be longer if you have depression. Hence, it is essential that you talk to a counsellor to avoid or address depressive episodes.

What Can Grief Counselling Do for You

Talking to a counsellor is all about having that safe space to explore or express your feelings and memories. In these sessions, you do not have to worry about being judged when sharing your thoughts and emotions.

Contrary to popular beliefs, bereavement counselling is not about learning to forget the loved one you’ve lost. Instead, it is all about letting you reflect on the good memories you’ve had with that loved one in the hopes of maintaining a healthy connection with them. It is also about helping you learn to live without your deceased loved one and build stronger bonds with those still around.

No one completely recovers from grief, and counsellors know this. Hence, their goal is not to stop you from grieving but to temper its intensity. They will work with you to prevent grief from interfering with your day-to-day functioning and dominating your life.

It is also worth mentioning that you do not have to be suffering from extreme grief to get counselling. Seeing a bereavement counsellor is also beneficial if you simply want to talk to someone who understands what you are experiencing.

Losing a loved one is never easy. Grief is a very personal experience that can be difficult to grapple with. It can even make you feel alone but know that you do not have to deal with it on your own. Aside from your surviving family and friends, you can turn to counsellors for expert help and guidance.

If you wish to get professional help, contact us today on 015240708 or 014303631 or leave us a message here to schedule your grief counselling appointment. 

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