Depression counselling can benefit you in a lot of ways. It can help you minimise episodes by teaching you how to recognise the warning signs of depression. You would also learn how to have a different perspective on matters to avoid depressive thoughts.
According to reports, depression counselling is effective in helping sufferers overcome their condition provided that it is done the right way. Here, the “right way” means seeing a qualified counsellor and doing the work that is required.
While it is proven to be effective, not a lot of sufferers are warm to the idea of seeing a counsellor. For some, the apprehension comes from a place of fear – the fear of not knowing what this exercise entails. They do not know what to do and what to expect from it.
Do you have the same worries? We’ve put together a guide to help you better understand depression counselling – how it works and what you need to keep in mind.
How Does Depression Counselling Work?
In most cases, the therapy happens at least once a week with a fixed schedule – same day and same time. This may change to once every two weeks after several sessions to give you time to work on the problem. Each session lasts for about an hour.
The length of the treatment varies depending on the patient’s condition and goals. You may be required to have 10 to 20 sessions.
Often, the first session is like a getting-to-know-you meeting. This is when you ask questions about the counsellor (e.g. what her approach is and what her rules are) for you to understand the process. It is also when counselling goals are set.
In addition, the first session is meant for you to gauge whether the counsellor is a good fit for you or not.
Being comfortable or having a good relationship with your counsellor is important for the treatment to succeed.
Things to Keep in Mind About Depression Counselling
Now that you know the basics of counselling, specifically how it works, it’s time to discuss some key things you should know about this treatment.
It’s About You
You are the focus of all the sessions. It is all about you talking about you. Your counsellor is there to listen to what you have to say and ask questions to help you process your thoughts. She is not supposed to talk about herself – tell stories about her or update you about her day.
Some patients worry that they do all the talking and their counsellors barely speak. This is how it should be.
You Need to be Honest
Your counsellor can only help you if you are honest. This is not the time to put up an impenetrable wall so that she won’t see right through you. It is also not the time for you to act normal and keep what your thinking or feeling to yourself. The treatment only works when you are honest and open in all your sessions.
Admittedly, doing this can be very challenging, especially since you are talking to a stranger. Often, it takes a few sessions before most patients become very candid. So, don’t be hard on yourself if you have a difficult time opening up during your first session.
You Won’t Be Judged
Many are apprehensive about speaking truthfully during their sessions because they fear that they would be judged. Please do not worry about this.
Your counsellor’s office is a safe place for you to talk openly. Also, please know that your counsellor is not there to pass judgments. Her job is to understand you and help you overcome your depression.
Counselling Is Not a Quick Fix
The therapy is not going to instantly minimise your symptoms. So, do not expect to get better right after a session or two.
It is going to take some time before you achieve your treatment goals. The length of time before its effects are felt vary depending on the severity of your condition. For some, it may take as little as 8 sessions. Others may require more time.
Getting depression counselling can be scary. The truth, however, is that you shouldn’t fear going to therapy. For as long as you have a competent counsellor, each session, even the first one, can proceed smoothly.
Looking for a reputable depression counselling clinic in Dublin? We have qualified and experienced counsellors who can help you. Call us today on 01 5240708 to schedule an appointment.
Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay