Getting your relationship back on track

Oct 3, 2014Counselling

No criticizing, blaming or nagging: These behaviours are relationship killers. When we criticize we put the other person down, it doesn’t work.

Blaming the other takes it away from us, nagging never works, it only makes the other person angry.

  1. No criticizing, blaming or nagging: These behaviours are relationship killers. When we criticize we put the other person down, it doesn’t work. Blaming the other takes it away from us, nagging never works, it only makes the other person angry.
  2. Establish Good Communication: Try not to tell each what to do, it never works. Instead tell how you feel when he or she does something you don’t like. Learn to listen to each other not fix. Write down what you value about each other and what you want from the relationship, not the negatives.
  3. Do one thing every day for your relationship: It doesn’t have to be big – a simple text just to say I love you.
  4. Have trust in each other: Sometimes couples try to control each other with controlling behaviours. They need to trust that the other is an adult.
  5. Treat your relationship like a bank account: The more you put in, the more you get out. Buy a favourite treat or something you think your partner will like.
  6. Work as a team: You both have different skills, value each other, remember that what happened during the day ends before you go to bed, rather than carrying it forward to the next day.
  7. Encourage each other: Think of ways to encourage your partner every day. Tell them how good they look when they look good and build up each other’s confidence, not put each other down.
  8. Have fun: Fantasize about each other, show expressions of love and tell your partner what you’re thinking. Plan a night every week just for the two of you.

In Summary:

  1. No criticizing, blaming or nagging
  2. Establish Good Communication
  3. Do one thing every day for your relationship
  4. Have trust in each other
  5. Treat your relationship like a bank account
  6. Work as a team
  7. Encourage each other
  8. Have fun

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